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Therapeutic hypnosis

"Watch my thoughts - they turn into words, words become actions, actions create habits, habits turn into character, and character into destiny."  Lao Tzu

During the sessions, I practise several types of therapeutic hypnosis:

·    Analytical hypnosis (regression therapy, “past/other life” hypnosis). The aim of this hypnosis is to find the cause of the current unsatisfactory situation. Simply put, during analytical hypnosis we search for the Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS), which is a personal, traumatic event that is a result of our past experiences, our vulnerabilities, our individual perceptions, values and beliefs. DHS is both a psychological and a biological conflict, leading to changes in the human body. (From the book “The Other Side of Psychosomatics” (orig. “Kita psichosomatikos pusė”), p. 116)​​​​

·    Goal-oriented therapy. This therapy focuses on current and future outcomes, without seeking to find the root of the problems in the past. The aim of this therapy is to deal with the symptoms rather than the causes of the problem. Visualisation and suggestion in hypnosis is a powerful tool that helps person to imagine the desired future state with positive ideas and portrayals.

Nowadays, in these times of awareness, self-help, self-knowledge seminars, books, it would probably be hard to find a person who has never read a single psychological book, article, or participated in a seminar about opening up consciousness, or attended various therapy sessions. In this age of self-discovery, not only traditional methods have become easily accessible, but also alternative ways of saving oneself, from karma cleansing to drinking ayahuasca, or whatever one can find. Unfortunately, no one will ever cleanse your karma for you, it is a myth and illusion, a veil that clouds the mind. Karma ceases to guide your life when you recognise yourself, your wounds, when you realise what have been implanted in your subconscious mind and how it has been unconsciously guiding you, preventing you from expressing your being. Your karma is not about marrying an abusive man, your goal should be to recognise what destructive beliefs you have and how they attract such men into your life. Your karma is not about living in poverty, your goal should be to see why there is a conflict inside, that money is evil or that you are not worthy of it. Money is not evil, but the attitude and beliefs towards it can be either positive or negative. It is not your destiny to live with guilt. Guilt is something that arises, it does not come innately. One time a client told me that his family blamed him for his grandfather’s death because he broke a mirror when he was four years old, thus bringing misfortune into the house. Due to some individual characteristics of the child, the blaming of the family has penetrated through the child’s defences barriers and has planted a constant habit of self-condemnation for all the world’s problems. One word can cause ripples in the water inside your mind about how you are disrespected, unappreciated and blamed for everything, because that one word may have stirred up feelings of guilt that you may not have even consciously recognised because of your automatic reactions to everything that happens in your life. There is no need to fight everyone around you, but rather to recognise your wounds and beliefs. When all enemies are defeated within, there are simply no enemies left to face outwards.            

More and more frequently, I meet and work with people who are overloaded with books, seminars, positivity videos, karma “cleaners”, tired of years and years of therapies, who live in a constant state of analysis, or who no longer see the point of searching.  

In her book “The Other Side of Psychosomatics”, L. Bojeva states that when you live in a radioactive zone, meditation or affirmations will not help you much and you should run away from such a place. If you have a lot on your plate, it is not meditation that will help, you need to shake it off of yourself. You can meditate, choose a vegan diet, do moon rituals, but if you don’t let go of the beliefs that harm you, you will probably continue to live your life in the hands of karma or fate, or you will see it as God’s punishment. Living with destructive beliefs is like living in a radioactive zone.        

We often expect that someone will save us by telling us how to live and what to do, but no one knows you better than yourself. We have become used to not hearing ourselves, but only reacting automatically. Our mind is trained, analyzing, knowing everything, but why is there something missing inside, something longing, maybe longing for the real you?

The Greek word “psycho” means “soul” and “therapeia” means “healing” or “treatment”. So psychotherapy literally refers to the healing of the soul. What would it take for your soul to heal? Take revenge on someone? Continue not to love and value yourself? Keep competing and comparing in wealth or results? Carry the wounds of the past? Visiting temples? Donating money to a guru from some exotic country? An ascetic? Dedicating your fortune to a sect? Living according to dogmas created by someone else? Living by a code? Where does it say what you need in your particular situation? More rituals? Mediators between you and your soul? There are no mediators in hypnosis, instead you get in touch with your own self, you see how a certain event has caused disharmony, disease, meaning sickness, where ease is relaxation, thus sickness is a state where there is no relaxation, no ease, no calmness inside. Disease equals to tension. Life is in our own hands only when we take responsibility back into our own control. We are free to choose our reaction and attitude to a certain situation. We can choose to be held hostage by our thoughts, experiences and karma. In his book “A New Earth”, E. Tolle discusses the concept of natural sin in relation to the human collective condition.  Translated from the ancient Greek, to sin means to miss the target, and so, according to Tolle, sin is to miss the essence of human existence. In my view, it is a sin to forget that we are creators, masters of our own minds, masters of our own reactions; it is a sin to forget that we have the right, the will, the power, to pull back the veils that darken our consciousness.

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