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"What the mind imagines and believes can achieve."  Napoleon Hilas

We are born into a certain family, society, country, and what we experience in our lifetime shapes our beliefs about the world, environment, our perception of ourselves, our character, and ultimately our destiny.  

A newborn baby has an instinct to survive, and in order to survive, the baby must receive attention (primarily food, dry nappies), and the attention it receives equals to love. This is how we have a base framework in our subconscious which we no longer consciously remember, that attention=breathing/living, receiving attention and love means living. As the child grows and learns to speak, one no longer needs to cry to get attention and love, but gets used to behaving, talking or being something to get attention from one’s family, or gets used to being afraid to be one true self, because otherwise the child is convinced that he won’t get any love and attention. In this way, we sometimes lose ourselves, give up our needs, silence our inner knowledge, just to get the love and attention we so vitally need. Thus we forget what our true desires and goals are.  For our goal becomes a subconscious request for love and attention in order to live and breathe, and it becomes unsafe to be our true selves.  

Let’s say a child got used to being silent/not expressing one’s desires/obeying/pleasing/adjusting, or striving for distinction/not fitting in with the crowd/achieving academic excellence, because it is the only way to get the attention and affection from loved ones. It often happens that a person who achieves so much in the eyes of society still feels empty inside, lack completeness, satisfaction, joy, builds up inexplicable anger, fatigue, a sense of meaninglessness, and nothing feels happy anymore. This happens because the goals that the person has pursued and achieved did not come from the heart, the goals were not real, but were based on a desire to please, to be appreciated and accepted.

When goals, desires and dreams come from the heart and not from the desire to prove something, to show off or to be better, when the goal is not a cry for attention, it will always be achieved, and all obstacles will be overcome, because when the mind and the heart are no longer in conflict, everything is possible in a much easier way. In that moment it seems that the whole Universe is willing to help, and was just waiting to help you to come back into your true self, to walk the true, untrammelled path. When we identify the schemes and beliefs that have been imposed on us, we become free and conscious creators of our true life.​​

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